An interesting game but with some slightly suspicious computer moves. some interesting ideas in this game. I found some good moves that Stockfish approves of so I was quite pleased and made no serious mistakes. Unfortunately the computer allowed me to win it's queen by a forcing series of moves relatively early on, but that being said my suspicious gameplay still meant i could have blundered later and lost. Fortunately I didn't.
One curious thing I've noticed is how inconsistant the strength of play from the Simply Chess computer is - it's almost like it has some algorithm to put in blunders every now and then -_-
I was pleased with finding the move Qh6 which has some interesting tactical ideas nearer the end of the game.
Anticipated questions/comments:
0:11: "that's not a legal move" ... this move is called "en passent" and it is a legal move, otherwise the computer wouldn't even let me do it - you can google it if you want to know more.
0:27 "that knight isn't defended".... this is correct, but I am now attacking blacks queen on a5, so if Nxe4, then Bxa5.
0:48 "you're giving your pawn away"... the pawn on e6 is pinned to the king so exd5 is illegal.
1:27 "why is your dumb computer giving it's rook away?"... black is getting mated so the computer makes moves to delay the inevitable, which usually means giving away pieces, since the computer knows it's going to lose, and so takes the line which delays mate the longest even if that means sacrificing pieces, since computers do not resign like humans.