Curiosity Rover photographed this on Mars on July 25, 2021

Curiosity Rover photographed this on Mars on July 25, 2021

NASA JPL’s Curiosity Rover taken amazing images Reef-Like rock on Mars on July 25, 2021. This eroded rock could possibly be formed by Martian fluid creed long time ago. Closeups of this eroded rock were made with Curiosity’s Remote Micro Imager. Minerals like this are like a time capsule; they provide a record of what the environment was like at the time they formed. Clay minerals have water in their structure and are evidence that the soils and rocks that contain them came into contact with water at some point. By comparing the details of minerals from both samples, the team concluded that briny water filtering down through overlying sediment layers was responsible for the changes. Unlike the relatively freshwater lake present when the mudstones formed, the salty water is suspected to have come from later lakes that existed within an overall drier environment. Scientists believe these results offer further evidence of the impacts of Mars’ climate change billions of years ago.

Link to source image of eroded rock on Mars processed by Thomas Appéré:

Source for ancient wet environment evidence:

Source for Curiosity’s RMI image of this rock:

Credit:, NASA/JPL-Caltech, NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU, NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/Thomas Appéré

#mars #curiosity #rover

mars eroded rockmars organicmars salts

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