If we're old enough to love, we're old enough to grieve.

If we're old enough to love, we're old enough to grieve.

Keri-Lyn Durant
PhD (c.), MA, BEd
Community Grief Support Worker
Hospice Georgian Triangle
Collingwood, ON, Canada

Keri-Lyn Durant is a bilingual (english/français) educator, applied theatre specialist, and grief support worker. She is a PhD candidate at Lakehead University, where her research involves exploring perceptions of dying, death, and loss through applied theatre, and holds a Certificate in Children’s Grief and Bereavement from SickKids Hospital. She is also founder and director of heartsteps in Northwestern Ontario. Recently, she became the Community Grief Support Worker for children and adolescents at Hospice Georgian Triangle in Collingwood, ON.

These new programs, like all services provided by
Hospice Georgian Triangle, would not be possible without the generous support of our community.
To donate:
705-444-2555 | www.HospiceGeorgianTriangle.com


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