It Tastes Like Chicken : Getting Up Close & Personal w/ Florida Gators & Interview w/ Alligator Robb

It Tastes Like Chicken : Getting Up Close & Personal w/ Florida Gators & Interview w/ Alligator Robb

There was a news story a couple weeks ago. Florida man steals alligator from golf course, tries ‘teaching it a lesson’ by throwing it on roof of bar. Did you hear about this? The Gator is safe and the guy was in custody last I checked.

At the end of the day. Alligators are one of the amazing creatures that call Florida home. Like any predator the more you know about them the more you can safely coincide with and even admire them. So, on today's show we'll be inviting on our friend Alligator rob to teach us all about our official state reptile! Then later in the show we'll go over all the places you can safely observe the magnificent Florida gator!

Is it true you need to run in a zigzag pattern to evade an alligator? How cna you tell the difference between alligators and crocodiles? Who is "Chance the Snapper"? Can gator blood cure cancer? Why is Megan sort of dark and very alarming"? We answer all these questions and more on today's episode.

Check out our instagram at for some reviews of the places we virtually visit in tonight's episode!

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If you have any Florida travel questions for us, or to enter this weeks trivia challenge, hit us up on Twitter or email me at

Chance the snapperFlorida alligatorsAlligator Robb

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