Tarragon Dragon Bane Chapter Twenty Six

Tarragon Dragon Bane Chapter Twenty Six

The twenty-sixth chapter of Dragon Bane, the third book in the Tarragon Trilogy

Cast and Crew:
Director - Karlie Lucas
Narrator - Shaughn Maleryn
Walter Watkins - Gary Scales
Anwen Porter - Renzie Venturozo
Margo Pack - Debbie Jackson
Dragon Mage 1 - Nadia Guillotte-Qui
Dragon Mage 2 - Stephanie Bergeron
Dragon Mage 3 -Tiya Ayer
Emma Kaida - Helen Taylor
Aria Kaida - Maura Floretta
Kaida Magus - Allison Platero
Courtney Willis - Lauren Cutler
Callum Durand - Roman Howell
Anise Haywood - Jeanne Buan
Messengers of the Mountain (male) - Daniel Lucas
Messengers of the Mountain (female) - Lauren Cutler

Sound effects provided by The Free Sound Project and Shaughn Maleryn

Tarragon Trilogy Audio Drama (c) 2020
Tarragon: Dragon Bane (c) 2018

Mixed using Audacity


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