The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal [The Elder Scrolls Lore Archive]

The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal [The Elder Scrolls Lore Archive]

Today’s video is from an entry in the records of The Elder Scrolls Lore archives: the story of the Daedric Prince Nocturnal's artifact called 'The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal'.

The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal is a piece of equipment that is believed to have once been possessed by the Daedric Prince Nocturnal. Nocturnal is revered as the "Mistress of Shadow," as such the artifact is attributed with stealth and secrecy. Legend tells us that it renders the wearer completely invisible to mortal eyes. It is most notably worn by the Gray Fox, who stole it from her.

The cowl was stolen from Nocturnal by the thief named Emer Dareloth, the first Grandmaster of the Thieves Guild. Following the theft, Nocturnal placed a curse on the cowl causing the wearer to be erased from history. All who knew that person would forget who the wearer was. This caused Count Corvus Umbranox, known as the Gray Fox to the Thieves Guild, to lose his royal ties when he came into possession of it. His wife, Millona, ended up with memories of him that were fogged. She suspected that he had run away, forsaking his marriage vows.

Desperate to remove the curse from the cowl, return to his position as Count, and rekindle his marriage - he employed the Hero of Kvatch to steal an Elder Scroll. Succeeding in doing so, the Count was able to break the curse, remove the cowl, and return to his wife. It is believed that the Hero retained the cowl, assuming the mantle of the Gray Fox.

There is an inscription on the front of the cowl in the Daedric that translates to mean, "Shadow Hide Ou." The "y" was omitted. The phrase is used both by members of the Thieves Guild and the Nightingales. The latter believe that, upon death, they are merged with the shadows and covered by a cloak of protection and enigma. The root of the phrase is believed to stem from this after-life mythos...

Anything beyond that, unfortunately, is a story from another record in the The Elder Scrolls Lore archives.

Question: What is your favorite guild? Let us know in the comments below.

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