UNDERSTANDING - Make Certain You Know & Understand Your Message - 30 August 2021

UNDERSTANDING - Make Certain You Know & Understand Your Message - 30 August 2021

When it comes time to share your message, no matter what it is, there is one thing to remember. Before you go out among those that you want to lead, you have to make absolutely certain that you know your message. it is imperative that you not only fully know and understand your message but that you clearly and comprehensibly articulate your message to others.

By clearly and comprehensibly articulating your message to others means that you do know & understand your message. Nothing makes a leader a leader than one who can deliver their vision with enough knowledge, understanding, and passion so as to inspire others to act.

Now, do not for one second think you got this because you DON'T got this. I know for a fact I do not have this and that is why I have to constantly work on it and you do too. Knowing and Understanding your message is a full time job. Time to get busy.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!
David Guerra is a US Army Veteran, author of the Walking Leader book series, Small Business Starter, Leadership Advocate and Action Taker.
For more info please visit http://daveguerra.com
The Walking Leader is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1lACReo

Great To Follow is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1CUfiqe
Subscribe to my WALKING LEADER PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/walking-leader-official-blog/id886737443
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#selfleaderhip #message #clarity

David GuerraThe Walking LeaderGreat To Follow

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