Vertically Challenged (1 of 3) Final Immunity Challenge | Survivor: Caramoan S26E14 - Last Push

Vertically Challenged (1 of 3) Final Immunity Challenge | Survivor: Caramoan S26E14 - Last Push

The castaways would race up a three-story tower to retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces tied to a post and then slide down a water slide. Two more puzzle piece bags would need to be retrieved before the castaways could start on their puzzle. The first castaway to assemble their puzzle would win.
Additional Stipulation: As part of the Challenge Advantage he won by winning the Reward Challenge, John Cochran had the advantage of having his puzzle bags already untied.

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Last Push is the season finale of Survivor: Caramoan.
Challenge: Vertically Challenged
Winner: John Cochran

Vertically Challenged (also known as Final Four-Titude) is a recurring challenge on Survivor. It debuted in Survivor: Caramoan and has since re-appeared in Survivor: Worlds Apart and Survivor: Game Changers.

Castaways must race up a series of steps to the top of a tower and retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces/a key. Once retrieved, they would race down a large slide to the bottom of the tower and place their bag/key at their puzzle station, and head back for the next one. Once all the bags/keys were collected, they would use them to build a vertical puzzle. The first person to finish the puzzle wins.

The challenge debuted in Survivor: Caramoan as the Final Immunity Challenge. After John Cochran won an advantage in the previous challenge, he quickly advanced to the puzzle stage and won immunity.

The challenge re-appeared as the Final Immunity Challenge in Survivor: Worlds Apart under the name of Final Four-Titude. After a long, and physically draining challenge, Mike Holloway beat out Carolyn Rivera to win his fifth individual Individual Immunity.

The Final Four-Titude version of the challenge was again used as the Final Immunity Challenge in Survivor: Game Changers. Sarah Lacina had a big lead, but Brad Culpepper quickly caught up and pulled ahead of her when she struggled untying her third and final bag. Brad quickly assembled his puzzle, winning immunity.

This challenge has only been used as the Final Immunity Challenge with four castaways remaining.
All castaways to win this challenge were men, and won the most individual Immunity Challenges of their respective season.

Season Summary


The tribes were shuffled in Day 14, with both new tribes containing four Favorites and three Fans. The significantly weaker new Bikal tribe lost every single challenge, with the Favorite majority sticking together to vote out the new players. Malcolm, now on the Gota tribe, aligned with fellow athletic males Reynold and Eddie to avoid being picked off at the merge.

The tribes merged with eight Favorites and four Fans remaining. The new Enil Edam tribe quickly saw two factions emerge: Malcolm and Corinne Kaplan rallied the remaining Fans together to try and overthrow Phillip, while the rest of the Favorites regrouped under Stealth R Us. Sherri decided to join Stealth R Us due to her distrust of Reynold and Eddie. This put Stealth R Us in the majority, leaving only Malcolm, Eddie, and Reynold in the minority. Their eliminations seemed imminent until Reynold won immunity and Malcolm found an additional Idol, which he gave to Eddie. In the hectic Tribal Council that ensued, Malcolm and Eddie played their Idols and Phillip was voted out.

However, their fortune was not to last, and Malcolm and Reynold were subsequently eliminated. While Eddie seemed the likely next target, he was spared when the former members of Stealth R Us decided to turn on one of their own, eliminating strategic threat Andrea Boehlke with an Idol in her pocket, and Brenda Lowe after a kind-hearted gesture at the Loved Ones Challenge put her in a good social position. After Erik Reichenbach was evacuated from the game due to low blood pressure, Eddie was the final player voted out due to his popularity with the jury and having betrayed no one during the game.

Sherri, John Cochran, and Dawn Meehan ultimately were the final three players. During the Final Tribal Council, Sherri was largely ignored, being perceived as a coattail rider after her original alliance collapsed. While Cochran and Dawn were acknowledged as a pair, Dawn was grilled due to her emotional instability throughout the game while betraying several close allies, whereas Cochran was praised for being able to separate emotions from the game. This led to the jury of eight unanimously voting for Cochran to win.

ParvatiShallowParvati Shallow

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