Why Attend the Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) Academy?

Why Attend the Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) Academy?

Why now? What will I learn? And, by what methods?

Let us answer these questions about learning the Science of Improvement in the Continual Quality Improvement Academy.

Dig deeper into the work of W. Edwards Deming and learn the scientific methods behind his philosophy. As Dr. Deming believed, working together is fundamental to solving and preventing problems, while providing us the ability to “do more with less.” This interactive workshop aims to reveal blind spots to teamwork and presents new fundamental concepts and strategies from the Deming Management Method.

Using the Deming Management Method, manage your organization more effectively. With a deep understanding of systems, variation, people, and evidence-based knowledge, you will be better equipped to shift organizational resources from problem solving to problem prevention. Ultimately, practices in the Deming philosophy create stronger, more prosperous organizations, benefiting owners, leaders, workers, suppliers, customers, and communities.

Senior leaders, board members, managers and staff, as well as customers and suppliers will benefit by attending. We encourage teams to attend so
they can participate in collaborative learning and a common immersion experience.

For information on upcoming sessions and registration:

For information on this program, other programs, and getting in contact with us:
https://www.sergentresults.com and https://www.continualqualityimprovement.com

Key Words:
Continual Quality Improvement, W. Edwards Deming, Training, Program, The Science of Improvement, Sergent Results Group, Respect for the Individual, The Deming System of Profound Knowledge, Basic Principles for Effectiveness, 14 Points for Management, The Deming Management Method, PDSA, PDCA, Control Charts, Process Behavior Charts, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Fishbone Diagrams, Aim and Purpose, Quality, Consulting, Systems, Continuous Improvement

Continual Quality ImprovementW. Edwards DemingTraining

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