Dear Ms Sponlie: just when will you accept responsibility?

Dear Ms Sponlie: just when will you accept responsibility?

You took money from individuals that had little to spare. Instead of doing your homework and the very minimal research required to find out that there have been protests every Saturday for months, you preferred to spend time exercising your vendetta against Grace and Actilabs on the WRONG assumption they made a Facebook page and content about you.

This channel is NOT made by Grace. Once again, your arrogant assumption that you are always right has led you totally down the wrong path. Just like your arrogance in planning a protest with doing the proper research in advance.

If you cannot join the dots between your irresponsible lack of basic research and the irresponsible wasting of donated money from your followers then perhaps you should reconsider whether you are the right person to be ‘“leading’ such a campaign.

Ms SponlieMlm bullyAnti MLM

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