HealthPay24 Introduces its Valuables Management Feature

HealthPay24 Introduces its Valuables Management Feature

HealthPay24’s Valuables Management feature can be implemented swiftly and seamlessly into your current workflows. It augments your staff’s capabilities by integrating the physical and digital worlds.

Within a few clicks, the valuables bag(s) associated with your patient is securely accounted for, tracked, and ready for safekeeping until discharge. A detailed claim receipt is generated and can be printed for the patient or family member to present at discharge.

Once your patient is discharged, staff can ensure the correct valuables are released by comparing them to the claim receipt presented. A final receipt can be printed with space for signatures completing the transfer of liability. If bags have not been claimed within 90 days, notifications will be sent to permissioned users to ensure valuables can be handed off to more appropriate authorities in a timely fashion.

Reporting is available to see bag status at any point in the process.

Implement an automated system to track patient valuables so your organization can quickly eliminate a number of unnecessary risks and costs.

-Reduce patient anxiety while increasing satisfaction and trust
-Increase security and chain of custody auditability
-Direct hospital staff’s attention to more value-added activities


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