Republican Leader Could Be Prosecuted For Threatening Telecom Companies

Republican Leader Could Be Prosecuted For Threatening Telecom Companies

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy might be in more trouble than we realized after he threatened to punish telecom companies who comply with records requests from the January 6th Committee. It turns out that McCarthy might be one of the people targeted in the requests, which would make his threat against the companies even more illegal than it likely already was. Farron Cousins explains what's happening and why McCarthy should be worried.

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Republican house minority leader, Kevin McCarthy might be in serious trouble. You see, earlier this past week, McCarthy issued a threat to telecom companies telling them they better not comply with any requests for telephone records from certain members of Congress that have been requested by the January 6th

Select committee. Now

Later on Marjorie Taylor green of course came out and said, we'll shut you down. If you comply McCarthy, didn't specify what his threat was, but he did tell these individuals do not comply with this or else.

Well, at the time,

That was pretty much illegal, right? This would be considered either witness tampering, obstruction of justice, whatever it is. But on Thursday evening, it was revealed by CNN that McCarthy's communications have been targeted by the committee. And they were part of the request.

So suddenly, suddenly

This is not just a powerful Republican saying, Hey, don't do this. It's a target of the investigation in a position of power telling them not to do this or else that changes the game and believe it or not take something that was already likely illegal and makes it like super illegal. One legal expert said is a very clear violation of the victim and witness protection act of 1982. The law forbids anyone from corruptly or by threats of force or by any threatening communication influencing, obstructing, or impeding any pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States or Congress. Um, okay. So prosecute the bastard.

Like what, what, why, why are we even having this conversation? Why are we talking

About this in the hypothetical and not already in the, okay. Now you're already under investigation. Uh, same thing obviously with Marjorie Taylor green, who also, according to CNN is a target. That one was pretty obvious. Um,

Prosecute them, prosecute

Them for violating this federal law.

You have them saying these things literally in video, Marjorie Taylor green made her comments on Tucker Carlson show. You can find that I don't understand and why we haven't already

Launched, uh, investigations here. And I say investigations, it's obvious to me. And to most people reading this, watching this, whatever, uh, that this happened begin because these people said these comments on air, we know what the law is. I just read you, you know, basically the abstract of it that makes us very clear, but of course you can't just immediately charged them. You have to have investigations to see if that's what it was, but it appears to me that that's what

It was like. There's no real way slice this where it's not totally and corrupt. And I want to see charges. I want this January 6th committee to

Press charges against these individuals for, you know, violating this law, obstructing justice, justice tampering with witnesses because that's what the telecom companies are. They have the communications, they have evidence. So they become in effect a witness to the case, providing material, evidence

To the committee.

It's pretty cut and dry folks. These two individuals, Marjorie Taylor green, Kevin McCarthy,

At least

In my view of looking at things here. I think they broke the law and I think they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of it. Because if not, as I always say, what's the point of having laws, if you're not going to enforce them.

Farron CousinsNewsPolitics

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