The Law of Assumption and 'It is Done' to Manifest a Specific Person

The Law of Assumption and 'It is Done' to Manifest a Specific Person

The Law of Assumption and It is Done to Manifest a Specific Person. How to work lightly with assumption to manifest an ex back into your life. Use this for anything that you want to manifest.
#lawofassumption #manifestfast

I am a law of attraction and life coach from the UK and have been making things happen with LOA for almost five years. Correction, I’ve been making things happen for about four years. The first year was a write off. I couldn’t find my way and became frustrated. Neville got me on track and it’s been mostly plain sailing since. I get my moments of course, but as long as we can recognise our blocks and get back on track then those moments don’t become as issue.
#lawofattraction #lifecoach

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My Books

Pimp Your Vibe: Master Your Vibration

Get Back With Your Ex

Degrees of Attachment

Wishful Thinking

evie sparkeslaw of attractionmanifestation coach

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