WA: Q&A Legalities of Employing a Caretaker | LOOKUPSTRATA

WA: Q&A Legalities of Employing a Caretaker | LOOKUPSTRATA

Scott Bellerby from B Strata speaks with Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to answer the following question:

Our building has an on-site caretaker. Some owners are concerned about the legality of this engagement.

Read more about Building Managers in WA here: https://www.lookupstrata.com.au/wa-instructs-building-manager/

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Scott Bellerby, B Strata can be contacted via:
W: https://www.bstratawa.com.au/
E: scott.bellerby@bstratawa.com.au
P: 02 9281 6440

LookUpStrataNikki JovicicB Strata

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