Will La Palma Volcanic Eruption Cause Mega Tsunami on U.S. East Coast??

Will La Palma Volcanic Eruption Cause Mega Tsunami on U.S. East Coast??

After 50 years, the Cumbre Vieja Volcano of La Palma, Canary Island, Spain, erupts. (Sept 19, 2021)

Después de 50 años, entra en erupción el Volcán Cumbre Vieja de La Palma, Isla Canarias, #España. (19.09.2021)
#lapalma #eruption #megatsunami

El volcán de La Palma ha comenzado la erupción, explosiva y con columna de ceniza y lava, en la zona de Cabeza de Vaca, que se ha producido a las 15.10h de hoy tras dos temblores muy fuertes en la zona.

Tras cincuenta años dormido y tras 8 días de enjambre sísmico, el volcán de La Palma ha entrado en erupción en la zona de Las Manchas, en el municipio de El Paso, en Cumbre Vieja. Los piroclastos y magma, están siendo expulsados desde las 15.10 horas de hoy, domingo, por cinco grietas, dos de ellas con mucha fuerza.

Após dias de pequenos sismos vulcão entra em erupção nas Ilhas Canárias, Espanha.

A Guarda Civil já evacuou 5.000 pessoas afetadas pelo vulcão de La Palma (Ilhas Canárias) região autônoma da Espanha, que entrou em erupção neste domingo (19) às 11h12, hora de Brasília, em Montaña Rajada, na área florestal de Cabeza de Vaca. Diversos animais domésticos também foram evacuados.

O nível de emergência ficou vermelho na ilha às 11 horas, colocando e risco cerca de 35.000 habitantes no total em diversas cidades. As autoridades irão evacuar cerca de 10.000 pessoas no total e recomendam que a população que resida na região feche todas as janelas e portas externas, baixe as persianas e vá aos pontos de encontro estabelecidos.

A lava liberada pelo vulcão já consumiu casas inteiras nas proximidades da montanha, além de destruir rodovias, automóveis e diversos objetos.

Fonte: #Lascanarias

#Espanhol #Ilhascanarias #lapalmaisland #Lapalma #Eruption #volcano #Noticias #News #vulcao

la palma tsunami

la palma volcano tsunami risk


la palma volcano tsunami

la palma volcano

Earthquakes have been observed for 72 hours in La Palma, one of the volcanoes that can affect the whole world. It was under observation in recent years, and now all the attention is there. The expected is; As a result of the volcanic eruption, a part of the mountain slides into the sea and a megatsunami is formed. According to the scenario created in 2008, this is; It can cause the death of millions in Europe. Waves of 40 meters can even reach the shores of America. A mass of 500 billion tons is expected to slide in a possible explosion.

So, is it possible that there will be an explosion after such a mobility? There have already been two similar explosions in the last year.

- Earthquakes started in La Soufriere volcano at the beginning of April. There were landslides and it was decided to evacuate the people from the island. The first explosion took place on April 9th. The measures were not effected much. Most of the people were evacuated to the surrounding islands and the rest to shelters. water could not be used. The ash cloud turned day into night even in Barbaros.

- At the end of March, similar earthquake activities were observed in the Fagradalsfjall region of Iceland. However, since the volcano in that region is of shield type, lava eruption started, not an explosion. Lava from different crevices formed craters in 4 different places. .2 days ago, violent outbursts were seen again. Sometimes small explosions are heard due to blockages. Live broadcasts of dozens of channels on Youtube started again from different angles. Anyone who is curious can take a look.

Well ; The earthquake storm similar to the two events above started in La Palma now. The difference is that; The explosion here can affect the whole world. It is said that even waves of more than 100 meters can occur. In the last 3 days, more earthquakes have been seen than in 2020. According to the BBC; "This may be the greatest disaster in human history."

Actually, these are not the earthquakes we know. Vibrations measured due to magma movement. There have been occasional series of such earthquakes in the last 4 years. However, they were at a depth of 20-30km. The current ones are between 4-11km closer to the surface. It means looking for a way.

Also, the danger level has been increased to yellow.

There is a simulation like this;

Naked Science
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A slide from this mountain could kill millions of people in Europe and along Northern America's eastern seaboard. Some eminent scientists warn that it's purely a matter of time until it happens.

This is the volcanic island of La Palma, 700 miles off the northwest coast of Africa. It's a new-born baby island barely past its 4 millionth Birthday, created in the last stage of what geologists call the rock cycle.

Clip taken from the Naked Science documentary “Landslides”.

la palmavolcano la palmavolcanic eruption

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