Runar Bergheim is director of R&D at Asplan Viak Digital services, one of the leading consultancy houses in Norway and has been contributing to societal development in Norway and abroad since its inception in 1958. He studied landscape management, spatial planning and GIS at Sogn & Fjordane University College and from there proceeded to introduce GIS at the regional planning department of Sogn & Fjordane County. In 2001 Bergheim co-founded the company that today is Asplan Viak Digital Services to bring spatial web technologies to the Norwegian market. From 2008 Bergheim turned his interest to applied GIS in spatial planning and urban development both in the EU and beyond. Presently, Bergheim resides in Brussels where he fronts Asplan Viak’s EU project portfolio. His key interests are to be found in the gap between technical and non-technical mindsets.
Runar is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and events.