Chest Exercises for Women. Specifically, Dumbbell Press.

Chest Exercises for Women.  Specifically, Dumbbell Press.

Today we are going over Chest Exercises for Women. Specifically, Dumbbell Press.

Often women either avoid chest exercises or perform them with little challenge. Chest exercises are awesome as they not only engage the pectoral muscles but in addition activate the anterior core muscles. They help you build a 6-pack! In addition, you can't build a strong back without building a strong chest and vice versa. Chest exercises should be performed by women in a similar fashion to men. They should still be challenging and even high weight/high intensity at times. Don't worry! You won't build big manly pecs performing these exercises if you don't want to. Most guys wish they could just perform these and build a big chest, it just doesn't work that way for men or women. The muscle you build will fit your body and your proportions and will take time. If you find your muscle size or definition in the chest or anywhere else for that matter is exactly where you want it, then just train that body part 1-2 days per week and maintain the same intensity to keep that size and shape. But if you can't do a push-up or really even 10 in a row, you need to build your chest!

The dumbbell press is a basic chest exercise that is safer than a dumbbell fly. You want 3 points of contact on the bench: 1-the back of your head, 2- your shoulder blades, 3-your glutes. Your feet should be stable and flat on the ground. Keep your shoulder blades back while you press the dumbells up and squeeze your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner until you feel a stretch on your chest and then push them back up. Choose a weight you can control and move at a slow tempo for better reps. This movement is less about moving heavy weight and more about control.

A huge thanks to The Beast Sportscenter for hosting our video shoot! @beastsportscenter


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