I have no academic qualifications whatsoever RadAudio JAZZ MUSIC FOR RELAXING
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We are radaudio, and we create piano music for relaxation. We want to help you get through your day with a smile on your face and joy in your heart. Our team of talented composers put their best efforts into creating new songs daily so that our listeners can enjoy fresh compositions every time they tune in. Join us as we share inspirations from the world around us - whether it be the beauty of nature or the warmth of friendship - and let them fill your life with happiness.
0:00 cum caput obscura nitidum ferrugine texit
2:44 Defiled the long cortege
5:29 Concludes from what by sight is seen so clear
8:28 Could braver histories unfold
11:14 Came stealing through the Dusk an Angel Shape
14:04 Can this thy love undo me
16:54 correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are
19:32 Couldst thou withdraw thy hand one day
22:21 Can this thy love undo me
25:11 Contrast in supernatural element
28:04 consider over what immense dominions the Emperor
30:38 Composed his code in metre
33:33 Complaining all the while
36:11 Chez cette race nouvelle
38:56 constrained to endure at their hands that which she would not
41:52 Eastward from Campobello
44:32 Can this blind alley lead to any star
47:15 Cum away brother let us go hens soone
50:05 Change me so that I proclaim
52:57 Changed them thus because they mocked you
55:44 Come with me to that castle
58:39 Cranes and gaudy parrots go
1:00:38 Condemned their wretched lives to lead
1:03:30 Corpora serpentum baculi violaverat ictu
1:06:07 Complaining all the while
1:08:45 Can thus be compassed in a rainbow ring
1:11:30 Compassion for the man thus noble nerved
1:14:16 continue as undecided as that between Bacchus and the frogs in
1:16:52 CLOTHED on with thunder and with steel
1:19:34 consider over what immense dominions the Emperor
1:22:08 Chariots and horses swifter than the wind
1:24:01 correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are
1:26:39 Can they the peace and pleasure feel
1:29:32 CLXXII The Noble Nature
1:32:10 Colours of every shade glisten
1:35:01 Classed among the things he fashions
1:37:45 Cumplir vuestra voluntad
1:40:39 Eastward from Campobello
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