Mermaid Melissa in wonderland: sea through the looking glass - all dreams become one

Mermaid Melissa in wonderland: sea through the looking glass - all dreams become one

Episode 420.69 where all timelines merge as one.
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Love one another. Do only good every day. K is for Kindness.
Do not fear the future of evolution. Fear in itself, is humanities biggest set back from outgrowing past failures. -Mermaid Melissa

Follow Me on twitter: @MermaidMelissa
Learn about Doge to the Moon. Also Learn about "plan B = planet B = Mars"
Save the planet, the oceans, and humanity by becoming a multi-planetary species... saving all creatures before we become mythical.

"I mean, we got to be excited about the future! We gotta do things that make us want to live! It can not always be about problems every day. I mean, do you want to wake up every morning and everythings just a problem? What inspires you? What makes you excited about the future? Theres gotta be some things like that!" -Elon Musk
Follow Elon Musk on twitter: @ElonMusk
Follow Tesla on Twitter: @Tesla
- Invest in the change you wish to see in the world:
- Become part of the future: -
- Program love into the future code of life: -
- Beam me up Scotty: -
- Space Force: -
- Best motivational inspiration for success: -
- Mermaids aren't real, right? Or are they based on people in real life -such as a woman who dedicated her life's work to it, -who's real name is Mermaid Melissa...
Iron man isn't real, right? Or was it based upon a real man named, Elon Musk?
Life is based upon movies and movies upon life.
United not divided. Universal love brings the expanded light of consciences worldwide. We are in this together. -
“It is time to go forth, to become a star-fairing civilization, be out there among the stars. Expanding the scope and scale of human consciousness, I find that incredibly exciting and that makes me glad to be alive” - Elon Musk

mermaid melissa

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