Rav Shaul Alter - Limiting Technology | ראש הישיבה מגור שליט"א בסיום השיעור המרכזי - טכנולוגיה

Rav Shaul Alter - Limiting Technology | ראש הישיבה מגור שליט"א בסיום השיעור המרכזי - טכנולוגיה

לתת מתנה להשם יתברך - התעוררות לגדרים וסייגים בענייני כלי הטכנולוגיה

דבריו חוצבים הלהבות של רבינו ראש הישיבה מגור שליט"א בסיום השיעור המרכזי במסע הקודש לארה"ב

ג' כסלו תשפ"ב, ניו יורק ארה"ב

צילום ועריכה : נתי אלבר

לקבלת השיחות שיעורים ודרשות והמעמדים המלאים ממסע הקודש ניתן לשלוח בקשה למייל : de422144@gmail.com

The Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Shaul Alter, arrived in the United States on Tuesday morning, to an ecstatic crowd of his followers who were at the airport waiting to greet him.

Upon his arrival, the Rosh Yeshiva was driven by philanthropist Reb Willy Beer to Lawrence in the Five Towns, where they Davened Shacharis, followed by a Lechayim Tish and a private breakfast with local philanthropists.

He is being hosted for the duration of his stay in the United States by Reb Meyer Melnick in Boro Park.

The Rosh Yeshiva has been to America before, and has delivered his signature brilliant Shiurim in many Yeshivas including Lakewood’s BMG. However, this trip will be different. In addition to the may Shiurim, the Rosh Yeshiva who has recently founded his own network of Mosdos Hatorah, from Yeshiva K’tana through Kollel, will be visiting many supporters and followers to solidify his Mosdos. Many properties are in the works to be purchased and developed.

The Rosh Yeshiva, who is a the son of the Pnei Menachem of Gur, will be spending the next week delivering Shiurim, and meeting with Rabbonim around the Tri-State area.

The Rosh Yeshiva – who is undisputedly from the Geomim in the world today – will be spending Shabbos in Boro Park, where a large tent is being built on a large piece of land to accommodate the massive crowd who will gather to spend Shabbos in his midst.

He will be hosted by many philanthropists over the next week, as they are all eager to assist this Gadol Batorah on building his network of Mosdos in Eretz Yisroel and the United States.

The Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Rav Shaul Alter, is continuing his historic, whirlwind visit to the United States, visiting various rabbanim and mosdos, and meeting with numerous chasidim eager to be in his presence.

Rav Shaul on Tuesday visited Yeshiva Yagdil Torah, the flagship Gerrer yeshiva in Borough Park, where he delivered a shiur and spoke to the yeshiva’s younger talmidim, followed by visits to the elder of the admorim, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe.

The Rosh Yeshiva also held meetings with the Bobov-45, Bobov-48, and Kossover Rebbes, and attended a massive kabolas panim event in Borough Park, attended by well over 1,000 people.

On Wednesday morning, Rav Shaul Alter met with numerous Borough Park askanim, baalei tzedakah, and local business owners, who pledged significant sums of money to his mosdos, followed by a meeting with Harav Moshe Wolfson and then a shiur at the Aleksander yeshiva in Borough Park. He was also Menachem Avel Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Schorr, who is sitting Shiva for his brother.

The Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva is scheduled to be in Monsey on Thursday, where he will be delivering a shiur in Forshay, and meeting with local philanthropists at the home of R’ Louis Scheiner.

Rav Shaul will then be brought by helicopter to Lakewood where he will be delivering a shiur for the public at 10:45 PM at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, 410 Oberlin Avenue S. Many roshei yeshiva are expected to join the Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva at Orchos Chaim, including Harav Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha.

A private fundraiser at the Lakewood home of R’ Elimelech Tabak is also scheduled to be held for Rav Shaul’s mosdos, where numerous local philanthropists are to meet with the Rosh Yeshiva.

Rav Shaul will then return to Borough Park for Shabbos, where massive crowds are expected to join him for an uplifting shabbos filled with shiurim, hashkafa and hadracha from the venerated Rosh Yeshiva.

Additionally, the Rosh Yeshiva opened a Mesivta in Boro Park at the beginning of this year, and visited the Yeshiva on Wednesday, where he spoke with each Bochur individually.

The Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva will remain in the United States until Tuesday, when he is scheduled to fly back to Eretz Yisroel, as he continues being marbitz and machzik Torah to the thousands of his mosdos’ talmidim.


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