Why and How to Add Web Content to Your Existing Mobile Apps

Why and How to Add Web Content to Your Existing Mobile Apps

While perhaps surprising, it’s incredibly common to incorporate web-based experiences inside native mobile apps. Popular apps like Apple Music, Amazon shopping, Vonage business communications, Instacart grocery delivery, and Disney World are great examples of how this works in practice.

By reusing and repurposing your existing web experiences, you can dramatically cut down on development time and costs. On top of that, with native mobile development talent exceedingly hard to find, it’s much easier to get your in-house web developers to develop new features or build reusable architecture that can be deployed in your native mobile apps, as well as on the web.

In this talk, we’ll show you why and how to incorporate web content in your native mobile apps, in a way that’s easy and intuitive for developers and seamless for users. The talk, led by Matt Netkow, Developer Advocate, and Josh Thomas, Product Manager, will demonstrate:

- The benefits of integrating web content into native apps
- How to access native features, such as geolocation, haptics, biometrics, and more to deliver world-class mobile experiences to users
- How enterprise customers use web views to accelerate their time to market.

Try Ionic Portals: https://ionic.io/portals
Demo app code: https://github.com/ionic-team/portals-ecommerce-demo

#WebView #iOSDevelopment #AndroidDevelopment

00:00 Intro
03:41 Benefits & challenges of native mobile
08:11 How successful teams tackle mobile challenges
13:19 Who's embedding web content today?
14:09 Apple Music, Amazon, and more
19:06 How are companies using the web today?
22:58 Introducing Ionic Portals
28:06 Portals demo: Add checkout experience to native e-commerce app
39:51 Why Ionic Portals?
45:33 Portals is free. Try today!
45:54 Q&A

IonicIonic FrameworkMobile Development

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