MAGA Republicans Happy To Sabotage Themselves Ahead Of Midterms

MAGA Republicans Happy To Sabotage Themselves Ahead Of Midterms

The MAGA wing of the House Republicans - people like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, and others - are hoping to flip multiple seats in the 2022 midterms. But they aren't aiming to flip them from Blue to Red: They want to flip them from Republican to Trump-loving MAGA fans. This move could prove to be successful, but it could easily go the other and cost Republicans dearly in areas where they shouldn't have to spend a lot of money. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republicans in the House of Representative who are members of what's being called the MAGA squad, you know, your Matt Gaetzs, Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Madison Cawthorns, Lauren Boeberts, Gohmerts, Gosars, those folks and Jim Jordans, they have decided that their best course of action ahead of the 2022 midterms where Republicans are poised to make big gains, they have decided they would rather fracture the Republican party than actually retake the House of Representatives. So according to a new report from the Washington Post, what these morons are doing is they're pushing these primary challengers to, of course, the Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump in the House of Representatives.

They want to get these RINOs Republicans in name only out of the House so that they can fill and grow their ranks with the MAGA squad. And this is going to significantly harm the Republican party in the 2022 midterms and here's why. Plenty of these Republicans that these MAGA Republicans want to primary are in safe areas. Areas where the Republican party would otherwise not have to spend any money. But suddenly when they get these primary challengers, they realize, well, dang, now we gotta go spend money on a race that we shouldn't have had to spend a dime on because this is a safe red district. We've spent decades gerrymandering it just so, but now we gotta spend money to protect an incumbent that would've easily won their election anyway and we gotta protect them from these ridiculous MAGA hat wearing freaks.

And of course, what happens when you have a war chest, even if it's super large, but you have to start taking pieces of it out that you thought were gonna go to one candidate, but now you gotta go to save somebody else's behind. It takes money away from the candidates who need it most. And as statistics prove, more often than not nine times outta 10, the candidate that spends the most money in the race wins it. And now they could be in danger of losing toss up seats because they have to go and defend the people they actually like so that they don't end up with another Marjorie Taylor Greene sitting in Congress, who's going to scare people away from the Republican party. Now, we don't know yet how much money they would have to spend. We don't know yet if some of these MAGA challengers are even gonna pose real threats that are worth paying attention to, to these candidates.

But what this story also shows us is that your Gohmerts, your Boeberts, your Gaetzs, your Greenes, your Gosars, all of these people want more of them. You know, Matt Gaetz said recently in that little press conference he did, oh, we're gonna take over. And of course he said, we're gonna, you know, harass Democrats basically, with subpoenas and hearings and all of that. But they can't do that with your normal average, just cut taxes and go to war Republicans. They gotta have the nut jobs there to push for those things and that's what they want. That's what they're trying to do. And hopefully they'll fracture the GOP in the process to the point where what should have been a slam dunk midterm for them next year, turns out to be an absolute catastrophe.

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