Mathematical operations with Significant figures | Rounding off of Significant digits | final Result

Mathematical operations with Significant figures | Rounding off of Significant digits | final Result

in this video we will see different operations with significant digits. final result of the operation will contain precision of least significant digit number used in operation.
so to write the final result in significant figures we need to round off the numbers after the first uncertain digit.

we will see different rules for rounding off the numbers.
(a).preceding digit is raised by 1 if the insignificant digit to be dropped is more than 5, and is left unchanged if the latter is less then 5.
(b).if the preceding digit is even the insignificant digit is simply dropped and if its odd the preceding digit is raised by 1.

then we will see how to write the final result of a measurement with some error using the concept of significant digits. the main significant digit can't be more precise then the error or uncertainty in it.

we always try to take an extra significant digit in the calculations to get the accurate result, we will see it through an example.

then we will do two exercises 2.13 & 2.24.

significant digits operations,
significant figures in calculations,
calculations with significant figures,
significant figures mixed operations,
algebraic operations on significant figures/digits,
rounding off,
significant digits and rounding off numbers,
rounding off class 11 physics,
rounding off numbers,
rounding to significant digits,
rounding to 2 significant figures,
rounding to 3 significant digits,
significant digits and rounding,
rounding off significant figures,
rounding off of significant figures,
rounding numbers to significant digits,
significant figures and errors of measurement,
systematic errors in measurement,
significant figures and errors,
significant figures and errors class 11 physics,


00:00 Mathematical Operations with Significant Figures

07:55 Rules for Rounding off Significant Figures

12:56 How to write final Result in significant figures

22:13 why we need to take 1 extra digit than S.F.

27:01 Example 2.13

30:46 Example 2.14



NOTES-Chapter-2 Units & Measurements

NCERT- Problems Chapter-2 Units & Measurements


significant digits operationssignificant figures in calculationscalculations with significant figures

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