Karobar Mid-day | Technology Sector | Dollars Inflow | Economic Crisis | IMF | KSE100 | PSX | Stock

Karobar Mid-day | Technology Sector | Dollars Inflow | Economic Crisis | IMF | KSE100 | PSX | Stock

Karobar Mid-day @KarobarTV
Talks on the ninth review have remained stalled over prior conditions of the Washington-based lender. Although the country is facing a serious crisis of foreign exchange reserves, it is meeting international financial obligations to avoid default. At the same time, policymakers are scrambling to secure inflows of dollars. On Thursday, Pakistan’s rupee witnessed historic depreciation against the US dollar in the inter-bank market, settling with a loss of 9.6% in a single session as the country finally moved to fulfil part of the IMF conditions that included a ‘free-float exchange rate’.
Watch Karobar Mid-Day by Shehreyar Butt, Branch Manager Darson Securities.

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