Macron's Frexit panic after French MP insisted 'no doubt we'll vote to leave EU'

Macron's Frexit panic after French MP insisted 'no doubt we'll vote to leave EU'

Macron's Frexit panic after French MP insisted 'no doubt we'll vote to leave EU'

EMMANUEL MACRON claimed he did not want to take any bets with a referendum on EU membership after a French MP insisted Paris would no doubt vote to leave the European club.

The European Union is looking into a new regulation that could classify lavender as a dangerous plant. This means lavender products could have to bear labels involving bold black and red warning labels with messages such as "can be fatal if swallowed or inhaled". For distillers in France, this could be highly damaging.
Sharing the news, a Twitter user wrote: "How much longer are we going to allow European officials to project entire sectors of our ancient commerce into bankruptcy on the pretext that they have thought up a 'standard'?"
Echoing the concerns, Generation Frexit leader Charles-Henri Gallois said: "Lavender essential oils or our cheeses, the EU wants to control and sanitise everything.

"It is time to take back control and decide for ourselves our future, our standards, our laws and our model of society."

It comes after Michel Barnier, the EU's former chief Brexit negotiator, admitted France could indeed follow Britain’s lead and leave the European bloc.

Earlier this year, the French politician said anger is boiling up across his country over red tape and unchecked immigration.

Mr Barnier said: “Let’s ask ourselves why 52 percent of citizens voted against Brussels.

There are reasons we can find — not just in the UK but here in France — citizens who want to leave the EU."

Despite not a single major party campaigning for France to leave the bloc in recent years, French politicians do seem to believe it is an actual possibility.

Before the 2016 EU referendum, French MP and 2017 presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan said: "The French will be able to see that the UK will not be hit by catastrophe once it leaves the EU.

"It won’t be the apocalypse. Norway is not living in an apocalypse, Switzerland is not living in poverty.
Britain was the first democracy in the EU and they are always giving us lessons, so it’s no surprise they go first.

“And when the French get the same vote one day, there’s no doubt they will vote to leave the EU."

Two years later, in an interview with BBC presenter Andrew Marr, French President Emmanuel Macron also claimed that if the French people were given the opportunity to vote on European membership like Britain, they would probably vote to quit the European club, too.

The French President suggested there is "always a risk" with votes such as Britain's 2016 EU referendum, when asking the public "just 'yes' or 'no' in a very complicated context".

Asked whether a Leave or Remain vote in France could have ended with the same result, Mr Macron said: "Yes, probably.

"Probably in a similar context.

"But our context was very different so I don't want to take any bets."

Mr Macron, as a committed supporter of European integration, claimed he would fight "very hard" to keep France in the EU if it were to hold a referendum on membership of the bloc.

He added: "It's a mistake when you just ask 'yes' or 'no', when you don't ask people how to improve the situation and to explain how to improve it."

Offering his interpretation of Britain's vote to leave the EU, Mr Macron added: "My understanding is that middle-classes and working-classes, and especially the oldest in your country, decided that the recent decades were not in their favour.

"And that the adjustments made by both the EU and globalisation – for me it was a mix of both of them – was not in their favour.

"And second, I think one of the reasons was precisely an organisation of our EU probably which gets too far in terms of freedom without cohesion.

"Towards free market without any rules and any convergence."

Also appearing on the show, Labour's former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell claimed he agreed with Mr Macron's assessment that Brexit was due to a sense that "neoliberalism has alienated people".

If France has a referendum on EU membership in the future, it would not be the first time that the French vote on an European issue.

At the June 2004 European Council meeting, the governments of the 25 EU member states signed a constitutional treaty for the bloc.

France and the Netherlands held a referendum on the issue in 2005, but it was widely rejected and the "EU Constitution" was never ratified.

However, in 2009, the bloc agreed to the Lisbon Treaty with, according to analysis at the time by the London think tank Open Europe, 96 percent of the text the same as the Constitutional Treaty.

Following the No votes in France and the Netherlands, former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker claimed that, in reality, voters had actually supported a deeper European integration.

His remarks were met with outrage by eurosceptics, who suggested that the EU elite was in denial over the public hostility towards the bloc.


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