Mobility Future: Innovative, Accessible and Safer Transportation | Sophia Mohr | TEDxColumbusSalon

Mobility Future: Innovative, Accessible and Safer Transportation  | Sophia Mohr | TEDxColumbusSalon

Did you know that the way you move in your community could significantly change in the next two decades? Mobility has always been a pathway to social and economic prosperity – if you had access to it. Now, pioneering minds are rethinking transportation to make it accessible for everyone.

Central Ohio Transit Authority Chief Innovation Officer Sophia Mohr explains how leaders in mobility are working to reimagine mobility – from single-occupancy vehicles to public transit. She will demonstrate how the innovative technology initiatives happening right now will soon make travel times faster and easier, reduce costs for travelers, and also save lives. Sophia Mohr is the first Chief Innovation Officer for the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA). She works to make mobility more accessible, equitable and safer for thousands of transit customers every day. Under her leadership, she spearheaded an effort to bring agencies across 13 counties together to share traffic, connected vehicle and infrastructure data. Her team has also launched the first full-time bus on-demand service in the United States. Mohr comes from the private sector, beginning her career at IBM and working 17 years at NetJets, a Berkshire Hathaway company in Columbus. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in industrial and systems engineering from The Ohio State University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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