Intensive Care / Critical Care Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia / Pneumonitis ARDS in ICU

Intensive Care / Critical Care Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia / Pneumonitis ARDS in ICU

This is a concise review of the Intensive Care / Critical Care Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia / Pneumonitis ARDS by Arvind Rajamani, an intensive care specialist in Sydney.
I have based this presentation on a fantastic review article summarizing the ICU approach to managing COVID patients by Nitesh J, Kashyap R, SuraniIt SR titled "What we learned in the past year in managing our COVID-19 patients in intensive care units?"
World J Crit Care Med 2021; 10(4): 81-101
DOI: 10.5492/wjccm.v10.i4.81 ISSN 2220-3141 (online)
This article is current up to April-May 2021.


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