07/10/21, Samuel's VI Anniversary of Pontificate: Supplication to the Queen of Victories

07/10/21, Samuel's VI Anniversary of Pontificate: Supplication to the Queen of Victories

On this holy and solemn day, Feast of the Queen of Victories As pontiff, I wish to consecrate anew to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Holy Mother Church, Church of Christ, past, present, alive, eternal. In the one Spirit which proceeds from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I once again, entrust and consecrate to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Victories, Virgin of the Holy Rosary, my life and my pontificate. The life and apostolate of my brother bishops, the life and priestly service of every minister of the Church, the life and loving service of every son of the Mother Church, so that by entrusting ourselves to Mary, we may today together renew our yes to the Father, for the call we have received, offering to the Father our lives and our daily lives, on the example of Jesus, and thus be united in his Cross, indelible sign of the infinite love of God. In the love of a man-God, who took upon himself all, raising to the Father to liberate every son, who in the Cross of Christ, sees himself and finds himself. All bothers, unite yourselves now to my Heart to recite together the supplication Our Lady, so that in Mary with Mary and through Mary, God almighty Father, good and Holy Father, merciful and just, may he obtain for us the victory over the evil one and every evil, for the triumph of Christianity, on humanism and sin, to make all his children live in love and in grace, in mercy and in justice. Giving to all of us eternal salvation. «O celestial Mother, O pure Star of Heaven, Joy of our Hearts, You who have made me know how vain worldly things are, how great divine things are, how sure eternal things are, how sad hell is, remove from sinners’ minds the darkness of error and evil. O most sweet Mother, You who revealed to me the greatness of Your Love, the value of Your Holy Rosary, You who deigned to show me the way of prayer for sinners, grant that our Hearts may be filled with divine grace and shine with heavenly wisdom. Pour forth the grace of Mercy, so we may attain forgiveness for our sins. You who can do all things, O good Mother, ask Jesus for the conversion of all poor sinners: «They are, as others have already reminded You, our brothers and Your children, at the cost of the blood of Your dear Jesus … » We are so vulnerable, O dear Mother, and the devil rages with so much pride; but with Your Rosary, we are certain we will defeat him. He knows You, O Mother, and fears Your glance. Save us. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee; blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. We are here at Your feet, do not despise our pleas, O Virgin, O Mother, O Immaculate of the Holy Spirit. We confide in You, look upon our sorrows with Your merciful eyes. We believe in You «clothed with the sun and crowned with stars», Queen of the Angels and of the Saints. You are our trust, our hope, our joy! Do not abandon us. Come to our aid. You are our Mother. We know You look upon us with tenderness. We entrust ourselves to You. We consecrate ourselves to You, in our Heart and our will, forever. Guide us on our way, cover us with Your Motherly mantle… take us by the hand. You are our guide, our help, our refuge, our strength, our hope, our consolation in sorrowful moments. We will hold the Holy Rosary securely in our hands, the gift of Your Love, O Mother, in moments of trial and sorrow, and in tears, we will cry to You, O Mother dear, O Immaculate, O Comforter of the afflicted «Pray for us to Your Son Jesus». Do not leave us until You see us safe with You Above. You are so beautiful, O Mary, You have words of Life. Open Your arms full of goodness and grace, relieve our sorrows, do not make us wait any longer. You are our Mother, carry us to Jesus». Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness and our hope! To You do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to You do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, Your eyes of mercy towards us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. And on all of you, on this Holy day, feast of the Queen of Victories of the Virgin of the Holy Rosary. I invoke the living blessing of the Infant Jesus. So that his blessing today, may descend on all of you, plentiful and abundant to give you every bodily and Spiritual grace. And so that all those who entrust themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may participate to make win and triumph Christianity. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


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