Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert Joke About Setting Off Explosives Inside Capitol Building

Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert Joke About Setting Off Explosives Inside Capitol Building

At a weekend rally for conservative Congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini, Congressman Matt Gaetz openly joked about using explosives to destroy the metal detectors that have been installed in the Capitol Building. Lauren Boebert then added her two cents into the conversation by piling on via Twitter, saying that she would personally supply the explosives. While the pair were clearly joking, it isn't exactly the kind of thing that makes you laugh considering what happened earlier this year. Farron Cousins discusses this.

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Over the weekend. Matt gates appeared at a rally for a congressional candidate down in, uh, central Florida, Anthony Sabatini, uh, Sabatini, currently a lawmaker here in the state of Florida. He wants to go to Washington DC and Matt gates decided to do a little rally with him to get some support for this ultra conservative candidate. And during Matt gates speech, he openly joked about blowing up the metal detectors inside of the Capitol building is what he said. Well, first, by the way, he started off by talking about the metal detectors and saying that they were put in place because of Lauren Bovert, which is not actually what happened. I don't know if gates knows this. There was an insurrection that was attempted on January 6th and that's actually why they put the metal detectors there, but DNO facts aside. Here's what gates said. They got triggered by that.

Talking about his statement about Beaufort. I said, quote, is it Tannerite or C4? We want to put in those metal detectors when we blow them up, when we blow them up, not if when that is an important distinction to make. He didn't say if we blow them up, he said, when we blow them up and then to make things so much worse for himself, he tweets out the clip, he tweets it out. And he says, if you can't fantasize about blowing up useless metal detectors with Lauren, Bovert at a Florida Halloween political rally for Anthony Sabatini. When can you, oh, you want a knee slapper, right? We're going to blow up the Capitol. Hilarious. Matt wins your comedy tour. Lauren, Bovert got in on the action. And she sent a tweet that said, I'll bring the Tannerite true. Those of you who don't know tan ride is also an explosive substance use for detonations.

And, uh, so we have two sitting members of Congress openly joking about blowing up a part of the Capitol because yes, those metal detectors are now a part of the Capitol. And they're talking about blowing it up. And by the way, if you were going to use C4 or Tannerite to blow up metal detectors, you're going to destroy a whole hell of a lot more than just metal detectors. Bovert then tweeted this out to the fools who think this would be done inside the Capitol, get a life. The metal detectors are useless and we are getting rid of them. When Republicans take back the house, get a life. You know what folks, if you or I were to publicly even joke, even just joke about blowing up the Capitol, um, police, the FBI, or possibly the secret service or hell maybe even all three would show up at your

Doorstep. There are limits to your freedom of speech when it comes to threats. Even if you make them jokingly, people have been arrested in the past, under past administrations for joking about threatening, to kill political leaders here in the United States. That's a thing that happens. It's a thing that is taken very seriously, I guess. Except of course, when you have two sitting members of Congress openly joking about blowing up parts of the Capitol, these individuals are sick and for the record. So is anybody who supports any of these three people, even though Sabatini didn't make the comments, he didn't denounce a me either. So he's equally culpable in my book, but this is what we've come to expect. This is what today's Republican party has become. It's a party of extremists 10 years ago. People like this, wouldn't be able to get through the gate at a Republican convention, and now they're running the dang party. That's how far it has fallen and was always crap in my lifetime. Don't get me wrong. But at this point, I'd kill for the days. Not literally figuratively of crap, because crap is better than crazy, but unfortunately crazy waved goodbye to crap a long time ago. And this is what we're left with.

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