Promo: Science for a Self Reliant India: Hydropower: Harnessing the power of Water Part-2

Promo: Science for a Self Reliant India: Hydropower: Harnessing the power of Water Part-2

#COP26 #NetZeroEmission #NationalHydroelectricCorporation
It’s now a well established fact that the world's dependence on fossil fuels is increasing greenhouse gas emissions which inturn are creating drastic changes to the earth's climate systems which we are all witness to.
In the recently held United Nations climate change conference (COP26), At Glasgow, United Kingdom, Prime minister Narendra Modi announced that India will achieve ‘Net Zero’ emissions by 2070. By 2030, India will ensure that 50% of its energy will be sourced from renewable sources and the country will work to reduce its carbon emissions by 2030 by a billion tonnes and will also reduce its emissions intensity per unit of GDP to less than 45%. India has also increased its target of renewable energy generation by 50 GW from 450 to 500 by 2030.
Well in this episode for Science for a Self Reliant India we look at the important role of Hydro energy and how India is relentlessly working to increase electricity supply from clean sources.
We take you to the border of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam where the National Hydroelectric corporation is building what is India’s biggest hydroelectric project so far on the majestic Subansiri river. Here we look how NHPC and its contractors are leveraging science and technology to build the massive infrastructure needed for this 2000 MegaWatts project which will light up lakh of homes and provide power to countless business when fully operational
We look at the important aspects of a hydro power station like Head race tunnels being drilled without the use of explosives as the geological strata of the mountains is brittle, the turbine technology that is used to generate electricity among other aspects. This and much more on this exclusive episode only on India Science.

COP 26Net Zero EmissionNational Hydroelectric Corporation

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