What Is A Biome ?

What Is A Biome ?

Geographical areas that have the same vegetation and have experienced the same climatic conditions are called "biome". This geographical area also covers the living environment and living things. Each of the biomes has its own unique content of animals, vegetation and climate. Biomes are separated according to climatic conditions. Plant species that form in each biomes also affect the life and species of animals. Biome varieties occur in two varieties, aquatic and terrestrial.

Terrestrial Biomes

According to the climatic conditions and physical characteristics found in the environment, it also includes living species. Terrestrial Biomes occur in 3 ways.

1-Forest biomes: forests that cover part of the land; they differ by region.

Tropical rainforest; they are located 20 degrees north and south of the equator. It is the forests where rain falls the most. It is therefore named rainforest. Forests were home to many of the animals that lived in ancient times. The height of the trees is around 70 meters. Tropical rainforests are constantly the same throughout the year as humidity and high temperature. Precipitation occurs a lot and falls regularly. Animals that live in these forests are frogs, bats, birds, snakes and monkeys. Because of the changing of the ecological system Day by day, rainforests are also among the places that are decidedly endangered. For this reason, the habitats of many living animal species are facing extinction. As a source of oxygen, it is also the most abundant oxygen climate region in the world.

Temperate zone forests are deciduous, abundant in the middle latitudes. It is found in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas. Trees in the area with shorter tree types; they are light in color. It consists of a tree that shed leaves during the winter and opens leaves in the spring. In deciduous zone forests, Chestnut, Beech, Linden, Walnut, Poplar and oak are among the characteristic tree species. In areas that are warm, there are also palm and carob. Animals that live in the forests of the temperate region are hawk, Wildcat, wolf, fox, deer, bear and pigeon.

Coniferous forests are found in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere, where snow and Frost are observed, and the winters are harsh. Spread around the world, there are coniferous forests that appear, especially in the Siberian region. These coniferous forests are also called coniferous forests. Fir, spruce and Pine are the most characteristic trees of these forests. It is coniferous forests that are flat and unbranched. The animals that live in these forests are the eagle, mouse, coyote, mole, Hedgehog and bear.

2-Desert Biomes

There is no rare or no vegetation on the name. Lack of regular rains; due to the excess temperature, the plant cannot grow. Rainfall is quite rare. While the intraday temperatures, which rise to 55 degrees, are so high; at night they descend to minus degrees.

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